Joseph Sinnona posted on July 01, 2010 at 8:27 AM

The City of Long Beach was not the first to oppose the proposed Liquified Natural Gas Island that they want to build miles from Long Beach's seashores. The Green Project is adamantly opposed to this because there isnt a value to this project that would produce sustainable energy. That is it! If you are for this project, consider the following: The impact to the ocean floor, the fishlife, the constant polutting of our shores, there is no benefit to this project in the areas of jobs or revenue for long island as a whole, and the threat of terroism. If you are against this project consider the following: Keep this campaign against LNG going. Many voices against this project will make it go away. Where are all the surfriders of the surfriders foundation? They should be as loud and adamant to LNG as they were when they voted down the storm relief project in Long Beach a few years ago. The future of our beaches is at stake here and we must not have a repeat performance of BP in the Gulf. The Green Project of Long Island stands committed to being opposed to LNG and any entity who wishes to use our oceans or bayfronts as public bathrooms for waste, pollutants, and other waste.
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